Day Three of the Website1/5/2011 Why is it that when I am not working a day job and am available to go on any audition at anytime and anywhere, my Agent doesn't call? All I have to do is start a day job and my phone rings. "Can you go to Atlanta? Wilmington? Charleston? New York? they asked to see you." The joys of an actor!
Day two of the website1/4/2011 Well...Could not sleep last night so worked on my website from 2:30 until 5:00. Still more to do but then...isn't there always?
And so we start...1/3/2011 Welcome to my world of the "unemployed actor" and all there is to do to change that to a "working actor"! Today has been setting up this website and it has been brutal for me. A little while ago I thought I lost 3 hours of inputting! I stepped away and smoked a cigarette and came back and "found" the info. Small victories can sometimes eclipse the day!
AuthorI have been acting for 27 years with experience in Film, Theatre, Television, Commercial, Industrial, and Voice-Overs. Archives
May 2022